I have been enjoying the abundance and luxury of life in the USA for nearly three months. I have traveled from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Seattle, Washington, to Sacramento, California and finally landing in San Diego with brother, sis-in-law and dog Bodhi. The time has included hiking in the Sierras, kayaking in the shadow of Mt.Shasta, hot tubbing at Big Sur, whale watching in Monterey, and bi-plane flying along the coast of San Diego.
Within a couple of weeks, I will be launching into a new job and a fantastic adventure in Cameroon, West Africa. Who could have predicted that a chance meeting of a young man on a train in Zambia would lead me to this next step. Cristian was working for Medecins Sans Frontiers. When I told him about my desire to use my mental health skills in international work he told me about a friend of his who was working for an organization that did this. This clue put me on an internet search which led me to this organization. The outcome is that I will be working for Center for Victims of Torture, assigned to an 11 month position in Bamenda, Cameroon.
Stay tuned for the new blog: KAYEINCAMEROON