Sunday, July 27, 2008

GOOD-BY BOKONE - July 27, 2008

The village held a feast and celebration for us on our last day. The “mother's" prepared enough food to feed hundreds. It was a formal process with our Country Director and the Village Chief sitting at a table together – the volunteers on one side and our Mothers (M'es) on the other. There were speeches by many, the mothers sang and danced, the village men did a dance, the girls did a traditional dance and drumming, and the volunteers sang a good-by song. The chief gave a beautiful speech (which was translated for us) saying that we as volunteers were here to help them, the Lesothoans, because of our Love. And that the Mothers, who took us in were also doing this because of their love and desire to help their people. It was very touching. After the huge meal of chicken, pumpkin, mashed potatoes, rice, and moroho (spinach), we took out last photos and gave our final hugs to our families. We piled into the Peace Corps vehicles, with most of the village shouting and calling and waving good-by to us. We were full of tears and smiles.
My M'e says that the little house/room that was my home, will be mine whenever I want to return for a visit. I look forward to sharing this beautiful and peaceful place with my American visitors.